1. What is The Universe made up of ?
The Universe is made up of
-matter, energy and empty space.

2. What is Everything around us made up of?
Everything around us is made up of matter.
3. Can Matter be created?
No, Matter can't be created.
4. Can Matter be destroyed?
No, Matter can't be destroyed.
5. Does Matter change?
Yes, Matter changes from one state (or form)
to another.
6. How many states of matter are there
in the Universe?

The Universe
is made up of matter.
In the Titanic picture
we can see
the states of matter.
- liquid = ocean
- gas = water vapour, air
PARACHUTE: -solid = parachute, strings,
parachutist, clothes
-gas = air
-The parachute
the force of gravity

-Air resistance is
friction between
an object and the air.
What are the states of matter
in the following examples?
a bowl of noodle soup :

a gas cilinder:

frozen lake:

a)What are the states of matter in
a bowl of noodle soup?
b)What are the states of matter in
a gas cylinder?
c)What are the states of matter in
a frozen lake?
The mass of an object is the amount of matter in it and
we measure mass in grams and kilograms.
The volume is the amount of space it occupies.
a)Which has more mass:
a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of iron?

b)Why do you think
a small stone sinks in water while a giant cruise ship floats?

-The stone has a higher density
so it sinks.
-The air inside the ship gives it a lower density than the wate so it floats.
If there is a hole in the ship,
seawater enters and
it now has a higher density than the water
so, it sinks.
c) Is sea water a mixture? What is it made of?
A mixture of salt and water.
Gravity makes it fall and air friction or
resistence makes it fall slowly.

Parachutes were first made of silk
and then of nylon.

Today they are made of ripstop nylon
because this material is
strong, elastic, light, weight, less expensive
and easy to pack.
The materials are man-made.
ripstop nylon

-strong: fuerte
-light: ligero
-less expensive: menos caro
-easy to pack:fácil de empacar.
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